BayernLB selects Bloomberg’s data solutions to bolster front-to-back workflows

The use of Bloomberg’s real-time market data feed and pricing data will enable access in a more efficient and scalable way across the enterprise.

Specialised bank BayernLB had selected Bloomberg’s real-time market data feed, B-PIPE, and evaluated pricing service, BVAL, to enhance efficiency and power insights across the firm. 

The development builds on BayernLB’s existing use of Bloomberg Terminal, allowing for access to data across the firm’s front-, middle- and back-offices.  

In addition, the move follows Bloomberg’s recent collaboration with BayernInvest, the asset management arm of BayernLB, wherein the firm adopted Bloomberg buy-side solutions, including AIM, PORT Enterprise, and MARS Collateral Management’s integrated offerings.  

Read more: Bloomberg buy-side solutions adopted by BayernInvest to support workflows 

“As a leading specialised bank, it’s essential that we have access to a broad universe of high-quality market data for a diverse landscape of systems,” said Markus Langenbach, head of asset and liability management (ALM) and analytics at BayernLB.  

“Bloomberg’s solutions provide us with such access across our front-to-back systems. That allows us to use market data at the highest quality in a cost-efficient way throughout our processes.” 

The use of B-PIPE and BVAL will enable BayernLB to access data in an efficient and scalable way across the enterprise.  

B-PIPE will also offer BayernLB consolidated and normalised real-time streaming market data, pricing, event data and analytics for front-office use cases.  

Meanwhile BVAL offers the bank access to evaluated pricing across the liquidity spectrum to inform middle- and back-office workflows, alongside helping comply with regulation and reporting requirements.  

“The value of data that aligns across a firm’s operations cannot be overstated given the time it saves, risks it helps to avoid, and insights it can help uncover. For this reason, we’re pleased to support BayernLB on their journey to maximising efficiency and streamlining workflows with consistent data they can trust,” said Cory Albert, global head of real-time data and technology at Bloomberg.  

“This collaboration also furthers Bloomberg’s growing presence and commitment to clients in Germany. We look forward to working with BayernLB and continuing to expand the use of both B-PIPE and BVAL in the region.” 
