Deutsche Börse adds London access point
Deutsche Börse will introduce a low-latency access point in London in spring 2011, following an agreement with data centre provider Telehouse, a subsidiary of Japanese telecoms operator KDDI.
The new access point will make use of Telehouse's data centre in London, providing access for members of Deutsche Börse's derivatives exchange Eurex and its cash market Xetra.
“The new access point enables our customers to connect with a one-way latency of less than 4.5 milliseconds to the Eurex and Xetra matching engines in Frankfurt, setting up the most efficient basis for trading strategies between London and Frankfurt,” said Matthias Kluber, executive vice president and head of networks & infrastructure operations at Deutsche Börse.
Nomura adopts nanosecond latency monitoring
Japanese investment bank Nomura is using latency monitoring firm Corvil's Latency Management System to achieve nanosecond latency reporting for its DMA platform, NXT Direct.
Nomura has been using Corvil technology in its equities DMA operation to monitor trade performance and latency. Traditionally, this has been done at millisecond (thousandth of a second) and then microsecond (millionth of a second) granularity. However, as the performance of Nomura's DMA platform has improved, microseconds are no longer sufficient to track performance.
Latency across the various processes within NXT Direct is now expressed in nanoseconds (billionth of a second). Corvil partnered with Nomura to achieve this result using its CorvilNet technology, which measures and reports latencies with nanosecond resolution in real time. Nomura can also view latencies for single orders, acknowledgements, fills and all other order types.
Low-latency algos introduced to Singapore
Financial services firm PhillipCapital and trading technology provider RTS Realtime Systems Group have signed an agreement to launch RTS' low latency event-based algorithmic trading solutions to customers of Phillip Securities, PhillipCapital's Singapore-based broker subsidiary.
Through its partnership with RTS, PhillipCapital will offer a high-speed connection to the Singapore Exchange and other exchanges globally. Phillip Securities expects the move will enable institutional traders to take advantage of opportunities through cash-futures arbitrage, statistical arbitrage and basket trading.
Jeyson Ng, head of corporate and institutional sales at Phillip Securities, added that he hoped that high-speed infrastructure would bring about “great efficiencies” in the market and new opportunities for the firm's institutional clients.
4th Story releases integrated analytics package
Trading technology provider 4th Story has released 4S.White Sands, a module for its 4th Story software suite that includes features and enhancements for automated analytics and signal activation. The addition will enable traders to set up a system to monitor for high-value opportunities, and then automatically put positions on and manage them.
The functionality includes the capacity to operate and monitor large numbers of security/analyser variations simultaneously for trading opportunities, market intelligence, and alerts; a large selection of pre-build analysers; automated 24-hour operation through the trading week together with calendar and event-based scheduling options; market data management and scheduling; results filters based on market trends and volatility; and algorithmic strategies for automatically reacting to approved signals for single instruments or pairs and putting positions on and managing them for both risk and profit and loss.
“Until now, traders and strategists had to cobble disparate systems together to even approach this range of functionality,” said Steve Smith, CEO at 4th Story. “White Sands puts it all together in one package.”
Interexion enhances cloud data service
Data centre service provider Interexion has launched an enhanced version of its Secure Data Service (SDS) managed cloud backup service.
The new service is designed to provide for firms looking for a high-speed, agentless, pay-as-you-go backup solution. Based on the latest version of software provider Asigra's agentless cloud backup solution, it supports public, private and hybrid clouds and also offers a new low-cost local-only backup feature for smaller organisations. In addition, it provides a range of encryption options for data with FIPS 140-2 security certification, an independently-assessed standard recognised by government agencies internationally, including the US Department of Defence.
FPL introduces web-based trading resource
Message standards body FIX Protocol (FPL) has launched an interactive educational web tool, FIXwiki, designed to enable the trading community to benefit from the knowledge of other users as they seek to advance their usage and understanding of the protocol.
FIXwiki is a FIX-specific wiki website that aims to provide a comprehensive and authoritative view of the FIX specification. It enables representatives from FPL member firms to actively contribute additional information, provide comments, and share knowledge and insight to support the future development of the FIX Protocol messaging standard. The site is also visible as a reference tool for all market participants.
The site has been built using the FIX Repository, which provides the detailed content of each version of the FIX specification in a computer-readable XML format. The FIX Repository can be used in a number of different ways, such as to dynamically update a FIX engine to support the latest version of FIX, rather than through manual application of the specification, enabling users to more easily and efficiently implement the latest functionality offered by the protocol. The latest version of the repository was released in late 2010 and is available only to FPL member firms.