The Tradetech Daily

Australian Securities Exchange

Australian Securities Exchange

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) provides publicly available information on its website free-of-charge including real-time company announcements, 20 minute delayed price data, basis charting and portfolio tools. The exchange also supplies fundamental company data, such as dividend information, at no charge to retail investors.
On a commercial basis, ASX offers a real-time company announcement data feed, real-time price data feeds and reference data, which includes security master list information, corporate actions data and adjustment factors. Company announcement information is available for up to ten years, and historical pricing information is available for approximately 20 years. Pricings files can either be generated based on end of day prices per security or for each trade that occurred in a security over the course of the day.
Each of ASX's data products can be subscribed to in isolation. However, products cannot be broken down further, e.g. by sector.

Fee structure

For real-time company announcements and price data feeds, ASX charges a connection fee plus a fee per user. Reference data products have an annual licence charge. Standard re-vendor agreements are in place with all distributors of ASX data.


ASX only provides raw factual data to clients on a wholesale basis.
However, ASX can provide customers with various licences to create their own new original products, such as indices, based on the raw data it provides.

Delivery channels

ASX uses a number of distribution channels that are each designed to suit the relevant data product. These range from the ASX managed Nippa network, used for the distribution of real-time price data and based on point-to-point frame relay lines, to carrier-based virtual private networks, as well as its own B2B internet site for the dissemination of batch files.


ASX provides comprehensive documentation and some sample code along with its price data feed.

Future plans

The exchange plans to expand its current co-location offering and further reduce data latency.