ITG TCA (transaction cost analysis) and Smart Trading Analytics provides broker-neutral pre-trade, intra-day and post-trade analytics. Its database covers almost 30% Asia-x Japan equity turnover and is based on trade data from 40 of the top 50 fund managers.
Asset classes and markets
ITG provides TCA for equities and FX. It can analyse all markets globally.
Transaction data benchmarks
All standard benchmarks are offered
including VWAP, open/ close, implementation shortfall, PWP, and unique
comparison with peers. Custom benchmarks are also available, including
difficulty-adjusted weightings.
Reporting options
Pre-trade and real-time analytics are
available directly to users using an online platform, built into their EMS or
via Excel. These are used to
estimate impact cost of individual trades or portfolios and monitor executions
for efficiency intra-trade.
ITG TCA is available in a variety of
formats including simple online reports. Broker performance, venue performance
and other trading variables are available in daily, weekly, monthly or
quarterly reports. Quarterly consultation reports give detailed analysis of
longer-term trends and factors in trading performance and are used to help
improve processes and trading efficiency.
Consultancy services
ITG provides execution consulting, fund
capacity analysis, analysis of trades against peer-based benchmarks and other
custom consulting services.
Pre-trade analysis
The firm provides comprehensive pre-trade
analytics to estimate market impact against a number of variables based on
historic averages and stock-specific factors.
Future plans
TCA for FX is a particular area of focus
and development for ITG in Asia.
Additionally, venue analysis and comparison of algo strategies are fast
growing areas. Ongoing work is also being done to improve intuitive reporting
and data visualisation tools for pre-trade, real-time and post-trade TCA.