Agency broker ITG’s POSIT dark pool executed a record US$1.74 billion in equity value traded on 23 January, replacing a record set earlier in the month.
ITG has said the institutional-focused dark pool will expand the number of markets to which it connects, while execution figures for January may reflect a season high linked to asset managers allocating funds for the year.
“POSIT Alert is a leading buy-side block crossing venue and key part of the POSIT platform, which has been a trusted source of quality institutional liquidity for 27 years,” said Jamie Selway, head of electronic brokerage for ITG, said. “Our strong global momentum – with block crossing in 30 countries and algorithmic trading in 40 countries – demonstrates the value we bring to clients seeking best execution and liquidity in size.”
Earlier this month, Selway told the firm would extend he number of markets to which POSIT is linked this year and predicted POSIT would continue the growth experienced in 2013. He also predicted a positive outlook for block trading for the year.
“We’re doing a lot of work around conditional orders and that continues to be a major focus. This includes large quantitative clients or smaller asset managers with a large blotter size relative to the trading desk needing to automate their workflow to trade blocks,” Selway said.