Misys marries banks’ standalone systems

Misys has introduced a new trading systems product in Asia this week, named Misys Capital Markets Fusion.

Misys has introduced a new trading systems product in Asia this week, named Misys Capital Markets Fusion.

Its purpose is to extend a bank’s existing technology infrastructure by bridging existing systems, with the intention of bringing trading efficiencies across business lines and asset classes.

Investment banks often have numerous legacy systems, each tackling specific operations and products, but it is often the case that bank IT systems stand independently and do not ‘talk to each other’, which means a lot of extra man-hours spent manually tallying. That is costly and inefficient as mistakes can creep in during the reconciliations.

“You have to have consistency in valuation, market data consumption and simulation and hedging, otherwise you will be basing your hedging strategy on inconsistent market data and figures coming from different pricing mechanisms and curves,” says Joerg Heidtmann, head of capital markets product management at Misys. “All separately-run trading systems within a bank need to be automated across assets and across department workflows.”

Misys Capital Markets Fusion opens up any existing trading system to enable the users to have a cross-business view of positions, P&L, risk and compliance and all back-office processing.

By combining the various silos that comprise a trading business, Misys’ new product helps out on global position management and collaboration across trading desks and with pricing and hedging across desks. It can be integrated into the firm’s IT without having to make alterations within the existing systems.

As ancillary benefits, the new platform also builds in areas covering compliance, position management, pricing, collateral optimisation and structuring.
