The Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC), Colombia’s domestic stock exchange, has launched a new high-speed cash equities trading system powered by Nasdaq OMX technology.
The new BVC system was introduced on 9 February and offers a high-volume, low-latency platform for market participants in Colombia.
The new engine will enable algorithmic and high-velocity traders to trade on the platform, as well as allowing the introduction of new trading products and services.
“Through our new equities system we are in a great position to grow business at our exchange and thus reach our 2015 goal of 200 new companies and 1.5 million Colombian families investing in our market,” said Juan Pablo Córdoba, president, BVC.
“It is extremely rewarding to complete the second part of our deployment at BVC,” said Lars Ottersgård, head of market technology, Nasdaq OMX. “BVC now has a trading system for both equities and derivatives based on internationally recognised standards, putting them at the forefront of South American exchanges.”