
Bright start for European dark pools in 2012

Dark pool trading rocketed in Europe during January, with turnover on non-displayed multilateral trading facilities (MTFs) reaching their second highest total ever, according to data from Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter.

Torstone, Thomson Reuters, Corvil and more…

London-based software provider Torstone Technology has launched Inferno, a clearing, settlement and accounting application that it claims is the first major release of post-trade securities and derivatives processing software in almost a decade.

EC sinks DB/NYSE merger

The proposed merger of Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext has been blocked by European competition authorities because of the monopoly it would create in the region’s exchange-traded derivatives market.

Congress members fear Volcker restricts buy-side

Key members of US Congress have asked financial regulators to change critical sections of the Volcker rule, worried the measure would significantly impact the buy-side and restrict their access to hedge funds and private equity.

CFTC to investigate HFT in swaps markets

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission is considering a proposal to establish a subcommittee to investigate the effects of high-frequency trading on derivatives markets.

MiFID II may lead to exodus of non-EU firms, industry warns

Europe should not adopt proposals contained in the current draft of MiFID II that would hamstring third-party financial institutions trying to operate in the EU. Criticism of the European Commission’s position is included in responses to a MiFID II questionnaire issued by Markus Ferber, MEP, rapporteur to the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.

Chilean exchange seeks to propel algo trading

Chile’s Santiago Stock Exchange has committed to growing electronic trading volumes on its market, including the development of a new trading platform and a partnership with technology vendor Streambase.