
NYSE and BIDS block trading venture approved by SEC

NYSE Euronext, the global exchanges group, and BIDS Holdings, a broker-dealer and alternative trading system operator, have received approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch a new block trading venue.

Nasdaq OMX revises Nordic CCP plans

Exchange group Nasdaq OMX has delayed the launch of the planned central counterparty (CCP) for its exchanges in Copenhagen, Helsinki and Stockholm, and has scrapped plans to include Nordic-specific features in the CCP and establish a Nordic clearing fund in response to comments from members.

Turquoise price cuts may not reach buy-side

Turquoise, a broker-backed multilateral trading facility (MTF), has announced a new tiered pricing structure amid claims that buy-side traders are not benefiting from lower execution costs resulting from competition between European trading venues.

Exchange status to boost Direct Edge in 2009

US equity trading venue Direct Edge’s pursuit of exchange status for its two trading platforms, EDGA and EDGX, will put it on the same regulatory footing as its three biggest rivals – the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq and BATS Exchange.

US asset managers slash costs by up to a fifth

US Investment managers that are taking active measures to reduce expenses are targeting average cost cuts of 22% by the end of 2009 as falling portfolio values shrink revenues, according to a new survey by research and consulting firm Greenwich Associates.

Chilean Stock Exchange to adopt low-latency IBM trading platform

The Chilean Stock Exchange aims to benefit from faster transactions and better communication with other exchanges worldwide after signing a deal with IBM, the US technology and consulting firm, for a new securities trading platform.