Turquoise, the multilateral trading facility launched on 15 August, has said its 13 offered markets have completed their settlement cycles, with effective settlement occurring in each.
According to the MTF, market making will begin to increase and client order flow will become more prominent on the platform.
In addition, trading desks will now be given full access to the platform and smart order routers will start to be trialled with small volumes.
The rollout of markets is on track with all 1,267 stocks expected to be available from 29 August. Turquoise expects the rollout of stocks to increase order flow on the platform throughout September and into the fourth quarter.
A joint statement from Turquoise’s COO Adrian Farnham and Duncan Higgins, head of client relationship management for the MTF, read, “As we enter full production trading we will continue the process of connecting software and market data vendors, enabling new trading members. We are also working with EuroCCP to bring on new clearers and ensure a wide member base can access Turquoise efficiently.”