UBS offers faster risk management platform

UBS Quant HQ clients will now have access to Hyannis Port Research’s Riskbot, an “extremely fast” trading infrastructure with risk management tools.

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UBS Quant HQ clients will now have access to Hyannis Port Research's (HPR) Riskbot, an "extremely fast" trading infrastructure with risk management tools.

The platform, created by US-based solutions provider HPR, also aims at helping quant traders remain compliant with Market Access regulation at a nanosecond speed.

"Rigorous risk management controls are as critical to our clients as they are to an efficient marketplace," Matt Senecal, head of business development for electronic trading at UBS, said.

"We think Riskbot will offer a powerful solution to our clients who have been seeking effective, extremely fast risk management technology."

US-based HPR created Riskbot in response to latency issues in the market. The platform went live earlier this month.

HPR CEO Anthony Amicangioli said Riskbot helps firms reduce trading costs and gain alpha.

"Our nanosecond platform provides a level playing field for organisations," he said.

UBS Quant HQ is a joint venture between UBS' prime services and direct execution businesses, focused on the requirements of the systematic or quantitative trader. It provides tailored access to a wide range of UBS global investment services.
