Deutsche Bank adds US options to Autobahn platform

Deutsche Bank’s electronic trading business Autobahn has launched a US Options trading system.

Deutsche Bank’s electronic trading business Autobahn has launched a US Options trading system.

Autobahn Options provides users with access to a range of options exchanges, including the Chicago Board Options Exchange, International Securities Exchange, NYSE Arca, BATS Options, NYSE Amex and the Boston Options Exchange.

Clients will be able to trade single stock options, equity index and ETF options using a suite of focused strategies.

The strategies include single-leg and complex multi-leg algorithms and the platform includes solutions for direct market access and smart order routing.

Jose Marques, global head of electronic equity trading at Deutsche Bank, said: “Investors are increasingly looking to incorporate equity options into their trading strategies. To meet the demand for access to this burgeoning electronic market, Deutsche Bank has expanded its leading Autobahn offering to support clients dealing with the growing fragmentation.”
