Eurex and Korea Exchange expand partnership with futures launch

The pair said the newly expanded product offering emphasized their commitment to connecting markets globally.

Eurex has expanded its partnership with the Korea Exchange (KRX) with the listing of new futures contracts, providing greater market access for international investors.

As of 22 March, Eurex will list futures on the Korean benchmark index KOSPI 200 and will be the only venue that offers international investors access to the Korean market outside Korean trading hours.

Eurex has listed overnight KOSPI 200 options and mini-KOSPI 200 futures in 2010 and 2016, respectively.

“With the new KOSPI 200 Futures, we will offer unique trading and hedging efficiencies to our clients. Market participants will benefit from operational but most importantly from margin efficiencies,” said Michael Peters, chief executive of Eurex.

“Adding KOSPI 200 Futures to our link is therefore the logical next step in our successful partnership.”

The pair said that their newly expanded offering, including KOSPI 200 Options which are among the four most heavily exchange traded index contracts globally, would allow for better exposure to and hedging of the Korean derivatives market.

“This product line-up will allow market participants to access the Korean market almost around the clock,” said Sohn Byungdoo, chairman and chief executive of KRX.

“We believe the new offering will make the Korean derivatives market more attractive and further strengthen the decade-long partnership between KRX and Eurex.”

Eurex and KRX confirmed that they were also looking to launch a corresponding foreign exchange product on the same joint link between the two entities.

The pair said their expanded partnership marked their commitment to connecting markets globally, with Eurex also partnering with FTSE Russell to launch derivatives contracts earlier this month.
