Fidessa group has announced the union of its Fidessa and LatentZero execution management service (EMS) solutions into a single product. The new Fidessa LatentZero EMS is available as a standalone workstation, which can be connected to any buy-side order management system (OMS) or integrated with Fidessa LatentZero's buy-side OMS, Minerva, providing what the firm describes as an order and execution management solution (OEMS).
"The execution capabilities of buy-side trading desks are coming under the microscope. The quest for fund performance, investor demands for greater transparency, and increasing regulatory control – including MiFID's requirements for best execution and client order handling – are changing the buy-side trading landscape," explains Richard Jones, CEO, Fidessa LatentZero. "By providing an EMS solution available as a workstation or as an integrated OEMS, we can now provide a service to all tiers of the buy-side from the smallest niche hedge fund to the largest institutional asset manager," he adds.