Hot 100: Dean Palin, Impax Asset Management

Continuing our look at some of Trading biggest names, today The Trade is profiling Dean Palin, head of trading at London-based Impax Asset Management,

Dean Palin has been head of trading at London-based Impax Asset Management since September 2009, having enjoyed a wide and varied career at some of the largest financial brands in the world.

He started out at Lehman Brothers in 1994 as traders’ assistant working on the fixed income team.

After two years, he joined Fidelity as a fully-fledged trader working in the FX and fixed income team.  He stayed with the fund management giant for eight years before joining Westpac Bank in 2004.

At Westpac, he was appointed to trade spot FX and forwards, a role he stayed in for just over a year before moving desks to join the group treasury traders.  He stayed there for almost three years, working in both London and Sydney, Australia.

He finished his time at Westpac Bank with a final stint as a proprietary trader working in Sydney between January 2008 and September 2009 before heading back to London to join Impax.
