Is Investment, a Turkish investment house, has launched a DMA platform to access the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The infrastructure will consist of a DMA gateway that provides a low-latency connection between the FIX network and the ISE.
Is Investment believes Turkey is proving attractive to international investors as an emerging market. It says this is backed up by the fact that the daily average trading value on the ISE reached $1.2 billion in 2007.
“We have a dedicated e-brokerage team to ensure our investors stay connected all the time,” said Ata Doganoglu, e-brokerage sales, Is Investment. “DMA for ISE is our first initiative and yet to come is our DMA trading platform for Turkish Derivatives Exchange Market (TurkDEX), the fastest growing derivative exchange in the world.”
Is Investment plans to launch DMA to TurkDEX by late September.