TS Imagine has updated its RiskSmart X’s CCP margin calculator, adding information around how much margin will be required from exchange counterparts.
Previously, users of RiskSmart X were only able to assess margin requirements from their buy-side clients.
Andrew Morgan, president and chief revenue officer at TS Imagine, said: “We live in uncertain times and within this backdrop, our clients value clarity and preparedness.
“RiskSmart X was purpose built for prime brokers, risk managers and operations executives at sell-side institutions. It allows users to assess and manage their risk exposure to various counterparts, and prepare for shifting regulatory requirements, audits and government inquiries.”
Through this offering, the margin calculator is even better equipped to help financial entities prepare for, and defend, margin calls.
RiskSmart X currently includes: 33 clearinghouses, more than 50 exchanges, and 13 methodologies.