Market data provider Fixnetix has teamed up with Equinix, a data centre services provider, to offer low latency US market data to European firms who want to trade in the US.
Fixnetix will use Equinix’s International Business Exchange (IBX) data centres in New York and Chicago to offer a direct connection to Equinix Financial eXchange, a community of execution venues, buy- and sell-side firms and technology utilities. Clients will also be able to access a range of services including co-location, interconnection, support and the highest levels of security.
The deal will also provide US based trading firms, prime brokers and hedge funds with direct, low-latency access to key European markets. Fixnetix is already deployed at Equinix data centres in London and Frankfurt.
“With this expansion into the North American market we’re looking to capitalise on the growing demand from firms with trading strategies that require access to related – but separate – international markets,” said Hugh Hughes, CEO of Fixnetix, in a statement. “Our customers rely on our ultra-low latency market data feeds and trading connectivity to provide them with competitive advantage, so when we decided to offer two-way connectivity between the US and Europe we knew that we would have to establish points of presence and set up our hubs with a data center partner that could offer the highest levels of security, reliability and low-level connectivity.”
Meanwhile, fellow market data and analytics firm Interactive Data Corporation has made its low-latency data feed, PlusFeed, available through connectivity provider ULLINK’s UL BRIDGE trading platform.
With the ULLINK connection, clients can use Interactive Data’s PlusFeed to power front-end trading screens across trading operations. ULLINK currently has over 400 connections to buy-side clients, brokers, exchanges, order routing networks, order management systems and trading applications across asset classes.
The new interface also enables clients to use PlusFeed as an input to ULLINK’s UL IRIS pre-trade risk management application and to feed the firm’s UL SMART smart order routing module. Clients who trade directly on an exchange will be able to use PlusFeed as a primary or backup data feed, as will those trading with a prime broker who require data to support trading and order routing decisions.
PlusFeed incorporates financial information from over 450 sources and exchanges worldwide, covering more than six million instruments across multi-asset classes and including extensive level 2 data. The feed is used by financial institutions around the world to power algorithmic and electronic trading applications.