Realtime provides DMA to US equity venues

Trading technology provider Realtime Systems (RTS) has announced plans to offer direct market access (DMA) and sponsored market access (SMA) to a range of new US equity trading platforms.
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Trading technology provider Realtime Systems (RTS) has announced plans to offer direct market access (DMA) and sponsored market access (SMA) to a range of new US equity trading platforms.

RTS will soon provide DMA to BATS Exchange, NYSE Arca and Nasdaq OMX, with more venues to follow. As a result of the additions, traders will have access to more than 60 international trading venues.

“While we are very pleased to now offer DMA to several key US equity venues, our offering goes beyond providing solely low latency access,” said Alex Beausang, senior vice president, sales at RTS in New York, in a statement. “Besides generic order management capabilities, our core technology embeds risk management components, smart order routing and our popular proprietary API [application programming interface] connectivity.”

RTS already offers traders access to European trading venues such as BATS Europe, Chi-X, Nasdaq OMX Europe, Turquoise and NYSE Arca Europe, in addition to the major US and European exchanges such as NYSE Euronext, Nasdaq, the London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse’s Xetra electronic order book.

The firm also provides SMA solutions in multiple markets in Europe, the US and Asia on behalf of prime brokers and clearers.

RTS’s hosted trading technology solutions, which include the RTD Tango algorithmic trading platform, allow market participants to access cash and derivatives markets worldwide in a low-latency environment.
