Connectivity provider Atrium Network and Visual Trader, a technology company owned by Spanish exchange group Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) are offering connectivity to BME by linking their respective networks.
Atrium has installed a point of presence within a new proximity hosting site managed by Visual Trader (VT), which is located 79 microseconds from the exchange and connected by two one-gigabyte fibre lines. According to Atrium, the connection will allow clients to benefit from direct market access to BME “at the lowest latency”.
In addition, VT offers a sponsored access model for clients that are not members of BME, allowing them to choose which exchange member to act as the receiving broker.
“Through a simple, resilient point of connection, clients have access to important European stocks being traded on the market and are able to take full advantage of the competitive price and cost opportunities on offer via our community extranet,” said Emmanuel Pellé, director of sales and marketing at Atrium Network, in a statement.
Atrium Network’s main connectivity offering, Exchange Ring, offers dark-fibre links to all the main liquidity venues in Europe. The connectivity network is designed to mitigate the risk of unnecessary co-location investment and ensure low-latency access to trading venues.