The Tradetech Daily

Liquidpoint (ConvergEx Group)

Liquidpoint (ConvergEx Group)

Geographies and asset classes

LiquidPoint offers a range of algo strategies for US listed options
including, Delta Peg, Hidden, ISO Cross, ISO Sweep, Pulse, Reserve, Smart, Sweep,

Trading Strategies and benchmarks

LiquidPoint offers algos to US-based sell-side and buy-side firms. Its execution algorithms
help market participants in adding and managing risk strategically. Execution
interests are balanced across a variety of elements including intelligent aggression
in taking liquidity and subtle representation of non-marketable orders within market


Access and functionality

ISO Sweep,
Sweep, and Pulse target the top of the book across all nine US listed 
exchanges with a variety of strategies to maximise fills and to minimise
liquidity retreat.

algo group –Delta Peg, Hidden, Reserve, and Volatility – works orders either with
the posted markets or inside the bid/ask spread, using a variety of advanced
techniques. LiquidPoint algorithms can be accessed directly through HEAT and
BLAZE, the firm’s execution management systems. Full system integrations
with a variety of third-party and proprietary trading systems are also available.

execution algorithms route orders depending upon a specific order’s goals. All
nine US listed options exchanges can be accessed as well as NXP, LiquidPoint’s
proprietary venue.


Pre- and post-trade reporting

captures the complete market microstructure during an order’s lifecycle so that
performance is evaluated on a daily basis. In addition, SMART routes for
straight and multi-leg orders have embedded logic that will manage the
behaviour on an order-by-order basis, according to LiquidPoint’s historical


Future developments

customisation is possible and customers may choose specific exchange 
venues on
which to work orders. A key initiative for the firm in the next 12 months is the
launch of an intelligent routing system that will optimise the financial execution
footprint of orders.