Northern Trust has teamed up with an analytics firm to provide investors with a greater understanding of how to enhance returns from corporate actions.
Historical analytics is to be provided by analytics firm Scorpeo, through its ‘Harmonia’ technology that generates reports detailing where investors may have missed out opportunities.
Scorpeo has entered into an agreement with Northern Trust, and both firms describe the tool as an “innovate historical corporate actions reporting service”.
Northern Trust’s global head of funds services business, Peter Cherecwich, said its clients are looking for tools to increase clarity around investments, to ultimately drive better results.
Around one million corporate actions take place every year, Scorpeo said, and such actions – like electoral decisions – can have a “significant impact on fund return”.
Northern Trust added that it corporate actions team – consisting of over 220 employees - currently handles more than 80,000 events a year across 105 global securities markets.