The TradeTech Daily 2008 Issue 1
In this issue:
Double vision plagues trade reporting
UK traders lose sight of both sides of the deal as trade reporting fractures
Exchanges alert to MTF challenge
Bourses stand firm and fight back against the new wave of competition
Buy-side advice for chi-x
Tony Whalley, investment director at Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (SWIP), has been appointed as a non-executive director of Chi-X Europe. The appointment will not affect his existing duties at SWIP.
Looking beyond the first wave of change
The TRADETech Daily sat down with Jeff Wecker, CEO, Townsend Analytics (TAL) and opening chairman of TradeTech Europe, to discuss the issues that he sees as key for the European trading community to confront.
Turquoise takes centre stage
Backed by nine of the world’s largest banks and designed to offer a combined dark and lit order book, Turquoise is arguably the most hotly anticipated execution venue inspired by the MiFID market evolution. The TRADETech Daily spoke to Turquoise CEO Eli Lederman about the planned launch of the MTF, his formula for success and the scope of the platform’s ambitions.
Liquidity gets a makeovern
Will competition between MTFs and exchanges bring fresh liquidity to Europe?
Is SOR proven technology for Europe?
Can brokers provide what Europe needs?
MiFID makes TCA a more exact science
Last November, MiFID came into force, obliging fi rms to offer clients best execution. Bob Giffords assesses how they have fared so far
Are you a leader or fast follower?
‘Where do you need to be in the low latency race?’ The answer, accoring to Mike Powell, global head, Enterprise Information at Reuters, depends as much on an institution’s business model as its appetite for pioneering ‘bleeding-edge’ technology.
Data in an age of silicon
Rounding off the fi rst day of TradeTech will be a panel discussion on why market data is top of the agenda. For panellist Jeff Hudson, CEO, Vhayu, the scope of the challenge can only be appreciated by examining the broader historical context.
MiFID rings the changes for electronic tradin
With MiFID triggering market fragmentation, trading technology has to adapt fast to keep pace with market demand
Alpha comes at a price
130/30 strategies may well have freed traditional managers from the stricture of long-only investing but are not without risk
Alpha traders keep the pressure on broker
How far and how fast is ‘buy-side empowerment’ changing the buy-side/sell-side relationship?
Master class in market evolution
When it comes to fragmentation, Thomas M. Joyce, chairman and chief executive offi cer, Knight Capital Group, believes that Europe has an advantage in coming later to the game.
The main event
Firms compete for top billing
NYFIX promotes Euro Millennium
Newly launched European dark liquidity pool unveiled
SOR and algos top Merrill Lynch’s agenda
Bank wants to simplify client access to products
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Other editions:
The TradeTech Daily 2008 Issue 2
The TradeTech Daily 2008 Issue 3
The TradeTech Daily 2008 Issue 4